The Steps Forward


English and Naturalization Process

Our Services for Naturalization or applying for Green Card include:

  1. We give you 10-12 hours of English classes to enhance your reading, writing and speaking. In addition we also help you enhance your knowledge and understanding of US history and government. This will also include helping with N-400, getting you appointments and preparing you for the interview.

  • We assist you filling up your N-400 form. This form include personal information like your name, country of birth, date of birth, employment history, criminal record, etc. Other information like family history is also required.

  • Biometric information is a requirement for naturalization. We will assist you setting an appointment at USCIS near you, and will explain you the process. Biometics is your fingerprints, among other information like height, eye color, etc in order to do a background check.

  • After your N-400 is reviewed you get an appointment with USCIS. We will prepare you for the interview and will go through N-400 form with you so you are fully prepared to answer any questions which maybe related to the form. This Interview will also assess your ability to communicate and write in English. Questions may also include civics – Information about American history, government, allegiance to the US, and related information. We will prepare you thoroughly before sitting for a naturalization interview.

  • And CONGRATULATIONS, now you are ready for the Oath Ceremony.
We are there to help you!
If you need help with the process, document work and interview click below